Lá:yelhp (tree)
Slá:y (bark)
Qwélatses (bough)
Ts'sá:yelhp (wood or log)
Douglas Fir
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Food and Medicinal Uses:
Cambium (inner bark) could be eaten.
Young twigs and needles made into tea, which is a good diuretic.
Also an emetic.
Used to treat anemia, intestinal pains, kidney problems, and diarrhea, and bring down high fevers.
Dried sap can be chewed to relieve colds, coughs.
Buds heal mouth sores, freshens breath.
Pitch and cambium are used on cuts, boils, sores, and other skin problems.
Other Uses:
Boughs were used for bedding and floor covering.
Wood and saplings were used for dipnet hoops and poles, spear shafts, fish rakes, harpoon barbs, salmon weirs, and snowshoe frames.
Peeled twigs were bundled and used to whip soapberries.
Resin was used to patch canoes.
Wood makes excellent fuel.
CAUTION: Can cause severe vomiting if ingested in large quantities.