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Xwelítemelh sqw'ólmexwelhp (plant)

Xwelítemelh sqw'ó:lmexw (berry)

  "White man type blackberry"


Blackberry (Himalayan)

Rubus armeniacus

Himalayan Blackberry - IMG_4818 3.jpeg
Himalayan Blackberry - IMG_4164.jpeg



Food and Medicinal Uses:

Xwelítemelh sqw'ó:lmexw ripen in July and are eaten fresh, dried, or made into jams and jellies. Also, used in baking.

Xwelítemelh sqw'ólmexwelhp is a medicine for stomach ache, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, mouth sores, and sore throat.

CAUTION: Wilted leaves can be toxic.

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